Thursday, November 18, 2010

Capture/ Reflection 11

Today my group taught the 6th grade class at Foothill Elementary in Orem. We taught the student about what makes an effective commercial. First we had a bag full of different candy bars that we put together and as the students walked through the door the picked a candy bar. They were told not to eat it yet. The students sat down and we introduced ourselves, then we got started. We showed a couple of commercials as an intro, then we taught 3 main components of an effective commercial (A Story, Call of Action, and Emotions). After each component we showed an example commercial and had them point out the different component being taught. we then taught briefly on camera angles and music. After that we broke into our groups, depending on what candy bar they picked at the beginning of class determined which group they were in. We had 6 different groups. In my group our main candy bar we were assigned was Rolos. I reviewed with them the 3 components, then we listened to about 8 different background music pieces. Through listening to these songs it helped the students what there story was going to be. After they picked the song that they wanted they then brainstormed ideas and came up with a story. The students then rehearsed the commercial a bunch of times, till I felt like they had a good idea of what they wanted to do. One of the students was the cameraman and the others had to be the actors. While the students were acting I helped the cameraman on the actual filming of it . We then filmed the commercial. Using Windows Movie Maker we added the background music to their commercial and saved it as a movie file. After everyone was done filming we watched a couple more commercials to test their understanding of the 3 different components taught. Finally we watched the students commercials a had them tell us the 3 components of each of their commercials. I feel like this group teaching worked out quite well. It was nice to be able to split up into small groups. Overall I feel like the students not only had fun watching and making commercials, but in the end were able to recognize the different components in the commercials that made it an effective commercial.

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